Tuesday, September 27, 2016

How to separate comma separated value in NAV and import the values in table MS Dynamics Navision?

Comma , Separated Value Retrieval

Now a days, we are moving to more around e commerce industry which works in 24*7 format so to ease the performance and manual work we prefer to use web services. These web services include a set of format which includes some logical values. So in this blog we will try to extract some values from a returned web services.

What we are going to use?

There is a function in NAV called SELECTSTR .

Acc. to msdn,
SELECTSTR treats string values as OPTIONS. This means that identical values in different strings are not allowed.
Any trailing commas are removed before the operation begins.
If Number is less than 1 or greater than the number of real values (excluding trailing commas) in the string, then an error is returned.
Quotes are not supported. For example, a,b,"c,d",e is treated as a five-element substring where substring 4 is d".


We are going to retrieve 

1.Account Type
from this returned value from web service.


How to implement the customization and store it in the Table.

Declare variables as per need and requirement.

This is the code which I had written for select the string and then simply insert it into our table.

The final result is here.

You can download the objects by:

Monday, September 26, 2016

How to create a PROGRESS Bar in Navision ?

To create a progress bar for a long process in NAV .

We will create 4 variables for calculation and creation of progress bar in navision. These four variable are of type Dialog and Integer.

To create a demo progress bar we will just give AmtToProcess  a value of 500000.We are using a ROUND function for this scenario.And UPDATE function which will 

Update the progress bar for few seconds.

The final result will be like this one.

I hope this code will help you to create progress bar in navision.
And you can more customize the progress bar according to your need.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

How to implement Factorial Program using C/AL CODE in MS Dynamics NAV?


Factorial is program in which n multiplies n-1 itself till it comes to 1. For Eg.

6! = 6*5*4*3*2*1

In NAV we use generally use C/AL programming so here we will use looping in NAV.

Step:1 Create a Codeunit in NAV Development environment.

Step 2. Create 3 global variable.

Step3. Then writing the coe as below will generate the Factorial of a number.

This one is simple.

Mile stone journey starts with a single step.

I will start with more complex program soon.

But in this example we have taken the counter in increasing order by using TO we can also do it in decreasing counter using DOWNTO For Eg.

1.(a)Factorial Program using while Loop.

While Loop Syntax must be followed with Care else we will move in an infinite loop.

1.(c) Factorial program using REPEAT UNTIL

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

What are the new Features in MS Dynamics NAV 2017?

As you know MS has released its latest version of Beta 2017 MS Dynamic NAV, Let's have a look over the new features included in it.

1. First new feature I observed in NAV 2017 web client is notification which we can use for different purpose in our development like overdue balance of customer,Routine posting and other things.

For this purpose we have been provided with new notication data types.
which works in 2 scopes local and global both according to function and our client requirement.

2. We can now further categorise our G/L Account in different categories of our requirement.

For example,

till yet we can only categorise a COA on the basis of Income/Balance sheet till yet now we can have other categories also. We can define a COA acoount on our requirement also.

I will post further new features also as i will go futher development and my learning.
Please share new features which you also see in comment box.

Get your copy of Beta version of MS Dynamics NAV 2017 here in below link.

Monday, September 19, 2016

How to Dispose a Fixed Asset in FA GL Journal with a Disposal Value in MS Dynamics NAV?

We can dispose off a fixed asset in MS Dynamics NAV with a last disposal value. But before going in detail process please look :-

Salvage Value :-

Salvage value is the estimated resale value of an asset at the end of its useful life.Salvage value is subtracted from the cost of a fixed asset to determine the amount of the asset cost that will be depreciated.

Book Value :-
Book value is the value of an asset according to its balance sheet account balance. For assets, the value is based on the original cost of the asset less any depreciation, amortization or impairment costs made against the asset.

Aquisition Cost :-
Cost that a company recognizes on its books for property or equipment after adjusting for discounts, incentives, closing costs and other necessary expenditures but before sales taxes.

Follow These steps to dispose of Fixed Asset with a Disposal Value.

1. Open Fixed Asset Card from search bar in RTC. Or Follow Departments>Financial Management>Fixed Asset.
2. Select the FA which you want to dispose off from your Account. For example I want to dispose off this Fixed Asset in NAV.

3. See its FA Ledger Entries.

4. There are two Journals in Fixed Asset Module.
FA Journal :- IF your fixed asset is not integrated wih GL Entries then use it.
FA G/L Journal :- IF you Fixed Asset is integrated with GL Enries then use it.

To see the Fixed Asset Integration setup follow this step :-
Department>FM>Fixed Asset>Administration>Depreciation Books>Edit this book and open integration Tab.

In my case I have to use FA G/L Journal.


 You have to enter the value in negative (Disposal Value) For Example I want to dispose with 1 Lakh so i enter -100000 and define the respective G/L Account which is unable Direct Posting and you want to post the last disposal value.Then Click on Post and select YES.
5. See the last Ledger Account ofter dispose of Fixed Asset.

I hope this post will help the user and developers to understand Fixed Asset more Clearly in NAV.
Comment below if you have any querry.